Books about Coffee

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Coffee Books

Coffee Books

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Marketpower, L. (1991). Catering Coffee Brand Share Club research: 1991, London.

Marketpower, L. (1995). Office coffee services, London.

Marketpower, L. (1995). The awareness and image of coffee suppliers. London (84 Uxbridge Rd, W13 8RA), Marketpower.

Mars Penelope, A. (1964). The Market for Robusta Coffee, [London].

Marshall, C. F. (1983). The world coffee trade: a guide to the production, trading and consumption of coffee. Cambridge, Woodhead-Faulkner.

Martin Robert, M. (1832). The past and present state of the Tea Trade of England, and of the Continents of Europe and America; and a comparison between the consumption, price of, and revenue derived from, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Wine, Tobacco, Spirits, etc. (Appendix.), London.

Martin, R. M. (1832). The past and present state of the tea trade of England, and of the continents of Europe and America: and a comparison between the consumption, price of, and revenue derived from, tea, coffee, sugar, wine, tobacco, spirits, &c. London, Parbury, Allen, & Co.

Martínez del Sobral, R. and E. University of Warwick. Dept. of (1991). Empirical analysis of future options traded at London Fox: cocoa and coffee. [S.l.]: 49 p.

Martínez, A., C. N. James, et al. (1960). Coffee: bibliography of the publications available in the Library of the Institute. Turrialba, Costa Rica, [s.n.].

Masaba Dinah, M. (1991). The role of saprophytic surface microflora in development of coffee bean disease (Colletotrichum coffeanum) in Kenya, University of Reading.

Masaba, D. M., B. University of Wales, et al. (1997). Coffee physiology and breeding. Bangor, University of Wales [in association with] KARI.

Matthee, R. (1995). Exotic substances: the introduction and global spread of tobacco, coffee, cocoa, tea, and distilled liquor, sixteenth to eighteenth centuries.

Matzen, T. and M. Harrison (1997). Start and run a profitable coffee bar. North Vancouver, B.C., Self-Counsel.

Matzen, T. and M. Harrison (2001). Start & run a coffee bar. Bellingham, Self-Counsel.

Mayne, W. W. and India (1946). A Note on coffee research in South India. By W. Wilson Mayne, [Bangalore].

Mbilinyi, S. M. (1968). Estimation of peasant farmers' costs of production: the case of Bukoba Robusta coffee, Dar Es Salaam.

Mbilinyi, S. M. (1969). Problems and possibilities of crop diversification in the robusta coffee areas of Tanzania: the case of West Lake Region. Dar Es Salaam, Economic Research Bureau, University College.

Mbilinyi, S. M. and B. University of Dar es Salaam. Economic Research (1976). The economics of peasant coffee production: the case of Tanzania. Nairobi, Kenya Literature Bureau.

McCay, C. M. and J. B. McCay (1980). The Cornell bread book: 54 recipes for nutritious loaves, rolls & coffee cakes. New York; London, Dover: Constable.

McDonald, J. (1921). Fungoid diseases of Coffee in Kenya Colony. Nairobi, Department of Agriculture.

McDonald, J. and A. Kenya. Department of (1937). Coffee in Kenya. Nairobi, Government Printer.

McDonald, J. H. (1930). Coffee growing: with special reference to East Africa. London, East Africa.

McDougall Forbes, R. (1995). Optimization and evaluation of the acidification stage of a two-phase anaerobic digester treating coffee wastewater, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

McDougall Ruth, B. (1978). Coffee, martinis, and San Francisco. San Rafael; London, Presidio Press.

McFadden, C. and M. Banks (2000). The chocolate & coffee box: the ultimate collection of tempting delights for chocolate and coffee lovers, in two mouthwatering volumes. London, Lorenz.

McFarquhar, A. M. M., G. B. A. Evans, et al. (1972). Employment creation in primary production in less developed countries: case studies of employment potential in the coffee sectors of Brazil and Kenya. [Paris], Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

McMaster, P. G., N. R. Solly, et al. (1961). Coffee and its economics in Kenya. Nairobi, Coffee Board of Kenya.

Media, D. M. G. B. and I. Market Tracking (1998). The World coffee market. Redhill, DMG Business Media Ltd.

Melrose, A. (1835). Brief notices of the tea plant, together with some account of coffee, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago and several of the spices. Collected from the shop bills of A. M. & Co, Edinburgh.

Meskill, J., A. Koppel, et al. (1927). That and a nickel: Will get you a cup of coffee.

Metra Martech, L. (2004). Coffee drinking patterns: Germany. [London], Metra Martech.

Metra Martech, L. (2004). Coffee drinking patters: Germany. [London], Metra Martech.

Meyer, J. (1925). A Cup of coffee, a sandwich and you: From Charlot's Revue.

Michelmore Alfred Philip, G. and Uganda (1949). Report on Coffee Entomology and Pathology, 1946-1948. By A. P. G. Michelmore, Entebbe.

Michelmore, A. P. G. (1949). Report on Coffee entomology and pathology 1946-1948. Uganda, Government Printer.

Michori Peter, K. (1993). Nitrogen budget under coffee, University of Reading.

Milas, C., J. Otero, et al. (2000). Modelling the spot prices of various coffee types. Sheffield, Sheffield University, Department of Economics.

Milas, C., J. Otero, et al. (2001). Forecasting the spot prices of various coffee types using linear and non-linear error correction models, University of Sheffield, Department of Economics.

Miles, C. (1933). Coffee, Please. The story of a lover's dream. London, Heath Cranton.

Miller, M. (1989). A thousand and one coffee mornings: scenes from Sandi Arabia. London, Owen.

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