Books about Coffee

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Coffee Books
Coffee Books

Coffee Books

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Lodge James, L. (1894). Coffee. History. preparation, etc, Midland Educational Co.; Birmingham.

Lodge, J. L. (1894). Coffee, Birmingham.

London (1966). Coffee News, London.

London Produce Clearing House, L. T. D. (1888). Regulations for Coffee Future Delivery Business. May 1888, [London].

Lorenzetti, D. and L. R. Lorenzetti (2000). The birth of coffee. New York, Clarkson Potter.

Loue, A. (1957). Studies on the inorganic nutrition of the coffee tree in the Ivory Coast. Berne, International Potash Institute.

Lowe, F. R. E. (1874). The chemistry of the breakfast table: a popular description of the constituents of food: with especial reference to bread, butter, sugar, eggs, milk, tea, coffee, and cocoa, Manchester.

Lowe, F. R. E. (1874). The Chemistry of the Breakfast Table: a popular description of the constituents of food: with especial reference to bread, butter, sugar. coffee and cocoa, Manchester.

Lowndes, J. (1807). The coffee planter, or, An essay on the cultivation and manufacturing of that article of West-India produce. London, C. Lowndes.

Lowndes, J. (1807). The coffee-planter, or, An essay on the cultivation and manufacturing of that article of West-India produce. Selected Americana from Sabin's Dictionary of books relating to America; fiches A-89,525-89,526. London, Printed and published by C. Lowndes.

Lucier, R. L. (1988). The international political economy of coffee: from Juan Valdez to Yank's Diner. New York; London, Praeger.

Luetchford, P. and S. University of (2002). Risk, trust and fair trade: coffee in Costa Rica. Brighton, University of Sussex.

Lund, T. (1770). Thomas Lund druggist and chymist, at the Golden Head, opposite the Strafford Arms, in Wakefield. Sells all sorts of fine teas, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa. with all sorts of druggs & chymical preparations, [Leeds?].

Lundtsröm, L., S. Olsson, et al. (2002). Emergy analysis of coffee producing systems: two case studies in Nicaragua. Uppsala, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, International Office.

Lusk, E. (1984). Sweet coffee samba: accordion solo. Leicester, Charnwood Publishing Co.

Lyamungu (1937). Third [etc.] Annual Report of the Coffee Research and Experimental Station, Lyamungu, Moshi, 1936 [etc.], Dar es Salaam.

Macclelland Thomas, B. (1917). Effect of Different Methods of Transplanting Coffee, Washington.

Macclelland Thomas, B. (1917). Some Profitable and Unprofitable Coffee Lands, Washington.

Macclelland Thomas, B. (1921). The Coffee Leaf Spot-Stilbella flavida-in Porto Rico, Washington.

Macclelland Thomas, B. (1924). Coffee Varieties in Porto Rico, Washington.

Macclelland Thomas, B. (1926). Experiments with Fertilizers for Coffee in Porto Rico, Washington.

Macclelland Thomas, B. (1928). Effect of Topping on Yield of Coffee in Porto Rico, Washington.

Maccreery Walter, G. and L. Bynum Mary (1930). The Coffee Industry in Brazil, Washington.

MacDonald Agricultural Services, L., D. Ethiopia. Ministry of Coffee and Tea, et al. (1988). Strengthening the planning capability of the Ministry of Coffee and Tea Development: report on the preparatory phase of the project. [S.l.], MacDonald Agricultural Services Ltd.

Macdonald, J. H. (1930). Coffee Growing: with special reference to East Africa. [With plates.]. London, "East Africa".

Macdougall Alice, F. (1926). Coffee and Waffles. (Recipes.). London; printed in U.S.A., William Heinemann.

Mackley, L. and S. Atkinson (1989). A gourmet's book of tea & coffee. London, Salamander.

Maclaren, W. A. (1924). Rubber, Tea & Cacao. With special sections on Coffee, Spices and Tobacco, etc. London, Ernest Benn.

MacMahon, B., T. Sugimura, et al. (1984). Coffee and health. Cold Spring Habor, N.Y., Cold Spring Habor Laboratory.

Madras Department of, A. (1924). Report on the work done on the Coffee Planting Experiment Station, Sidapur. Madras, Department of Agriculture.

Maggiore, G. (1982). A cup of coffee for allergic rhinitis.

Magri, D. (1716). Letterra di D. Magri [on the virtue of Coffee] scritta. 1665. ristampata in Roma l'anno 1671.

Mailu, A. M., B. C. f. A. Z. S. University of Wales, et al. (1997). Coffee agronomy, processing and economy. Bangor, Centre for Arid Zone Studies, University College of North Wales.

Maitha, J. K. (1974). Coffee in the Kenyan economy: an econometric analysis. Nairobi, East African Literature Bureau.

Maitland Agnes, C. (1887). The Afternoon Tea Book. How to make tea, coffee, etc. London, J. Hogg.

Maitland, A. C. (1910). The afternoon tea book: how to make tea, coffee, chocolate, cakes, scones, rolls, sandwiches, cooling drinks, and ices. London, John Hogg.

Malawi. Dept. of, S. and R. Malawi. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural (1975). Republic of Malawi: Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, cotton, coffee and tea growing areas. Blantyre, The Department.

Manchester Business School. Centre for Business, R. (1982). UK Coffee Market. Manchester, Centre for Business Research.

Maniha, N. S. (1985). Coffee in Papua New Guinea: an annotated bibliography. Lae, Papua New Guinea, Matheson Library, Papua New Guinea University of Technology.

Market Assessment, P. (1997). MAPS strategic market report. A strategic analysis of the UK sandwich & speciality coffee market. London, Market Assessment Publications.

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