Books about Coffee

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Coffee Books

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Krug, C. A., R. A. D. Poerck, et al. (1968). World coffee survey. Rome, Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Kummer, C. (1995). The joy of coffee: the essential guide to buying, brewing, and enjoying. Shelburne, Vt.; Buffalo, NY, Chapters Pub.: Trade distribution in the U.S. by Firefly Books (U.S.) Inc.

Kushalappa Ajjamada, C. and B. Eskes Albertus (1989). Coffee rust: Epidemiology, resistance and management. Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press.

Laborie, P. J. (1798). The coffee planter of Saint Domingo; with an appendix, containing a view of the constitution, government, laws, and state of that colony, previous to the year 1789. To which are added, some hints on the present state of the island, under the British government. London, T. Cadell and W. Davies.

Laborie, P. J. (1798). The Coffee Planter of Saint Domingo; with an appendix, containing a View of the. State of that Colony, previous to. 1789. To which are added, Some hints on the present state of the island, etc. London, T. Cadell & W. Davies.

Laborie, P. J. and W. G. McIvor (1877). The planters' manual: an abridgement of The coffee planter of St Domingo, by Laborie. Also, Notes on the propagation and cultivation of the medicinal cinchonas, or Peruvian bark trees. Madras, Higginbotham.


Laërne, C. F. v. D. (1885). Brazil and Java. Report on coffee-culture in America, Asia and Africa. With plates, maps and diagrams. London; The Hague [printed], W. H. Allen & Co.

Laërne, C. F. V. D. (1885). Brazil and Java: Report on coffee-culture in America, Asia and Africa, to H.E. the minister of the colonies. London, W.H. Allen & Co.

Laërne, C. F. v. D. (1885). Brazil and Java: report on coffee-culture. London, Allen.

Laërne, C. F. v. D. (1999). Brazil and Java. Report on coffee-culture in America, Asia and Africa: to H.E. the Minister of the Colonies, by C.F. van Delden Laërne. With plates, maps and diagrams. The Nineteenth Century. General Collection; title no. N.1.1.11431. Cambridge, Chadwyck-Healey Ltd.

Langford, A. and P. Hope (1965). Irish Coffee. Arr. Peter Hope. [For orchestra. Score.]. [London], Mozart Edition.

Larson, J. B. M., T. B. Palaskas, et al. (1996). Technical efficiency among small coffee producers in Honduras. Torino; Oxford, Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano: International Development Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.

Lascelles Arthur, R. W. (1865). A treatise on the stature and cultivation of Coffee; with some remarks on the management and purchase of Coffee Estates, London.

Lascelles, A. R. W. (1865). A treatise on the nature and cultivation of coffee: with some remarks on the management and purchase of coffee estates, London.

Laudan, S. and M. Levasso (1960). Coffee Bar Calypso.

Laurence, J. and C. McWilliams (1992). A little coffee cookbook. Belfast, Appletree.

Law, W. (1850). Hints on the cooking of Coffee, London.

Law, W. (1850). The history of Coffee, including a chapter on Chicory, London reprinted.

Layman (1819). A letter to the Protestant, occasioned by his attack upon the gentlemen of the coffee-room, and the lower classes of society in Glasgow, etc. Glasgow, J. Hedderwick.

Le Pelley, R. H. (1968). Pests of coffee. Harlow, Longmans.

Le Pelley, R. H. and A. Kenya. Department of (1934). Pyrethrum-extract spraying for the control of antestia on coffee, with suggestions for routine testing on plantations. Nairobi, Government Printer.

Leclant, J. (1979). Coffee and cafés in Paris, 1644-1693.

Lee, M. (2004). Stochastic volatility option pricing: empirical investigation of Robusta coffee commodity options. Manchester, University of Manchester.

Legard, I. P. and W. Christopher (1993). A potted history of tea and coffee: 21st-26th June 1993: an exhibition at Christopher Warner, 15, Princes Street, Harrogate, Yorkshire HG1 1NG, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of B.A.D.A. [S.l.], [s.n.].

Legislative, C. (1939). Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the coffee industry of the colony, Georgetown.

Leguelle Charles, J. (1829). The Regulator of the article of Coffee in the principal markets of Europe, the East and West Indies, and the Brazils; in two parts. Part I. Lithograhed, etc, London.

Leguelle, C. J. (1829). The regulator of the article of coffee, in the principal markets of Europe, the East and West Indies, and the Brazils: shewing the comparative advantage of a purchase or a sale in any of them; in two parts: lithographed in the form of pocket-books. London, [Printed for John Nimmo].

Lehmann, A. (1902). Notes on coffee cultivation. Bangalore, Mysore Govt. Central Press.

Licht, F. O. (1999). World coffee trade statistics, 1988-1997. Tunbridge Wells, F.O. Licht.

Licht, F. O. (2001). F.O. Lichts international coffee & tea directory. Tunbridge Wells, F.O. Licht GmbH.

Lightbody, J. (1702). Every Man his own Gauger. To which is added, The Art of Brewing Beer. The Vintners Art of fining, curing, preserving and rectifying all sorts of Wines. Together with The Compleat Coffee-Man, etc. London, printed for G.C.

Lightbody, J. (1977). Every man his own gauger: wherein not only the artist is shown a more ready and exact method of gauging than any hitherto extant, but the most ignorant, who can but read English, and tell twenty in figures, is taught to find the content of any sort of cask or vessel, either full, or in part full, and to know if they be right siz'd: also what a pipe, hogshead, &c. amounts to at the common rate and measure they buy or sell at: with several useful tables to know the content of any vessel by, likewise a table shewing the price of any commodity, from one pound to an hundred weight, and the contrary: to which is added, the art of brewing beer, ale, mum, of fining, preserving and botling brew'd liquors, of making the most common physical ales now in use, of making several fine English wines: the vintners art of fining, curing, preserving all sorts of wines. together with the compleat coffee-pan, teaching how to make coffee, tea, chocolate. Early English books, 1641-1700; 766:31. London, Printed for G. C.

Lipworth, S. S., C. Great Britain. Monopolies and Mergers, et al. (1991). Soluble coffee: a report on the supply of soluble coffee for retail sale within the United Kingdom. London, HMSO.

Llewellyn, S. and A. Frewtrell (1994). Coffee morning recipes. Swansea, Domino Books.

Loader, G. (1974). Club catering: coffee bars and barbecues. London, National Association of Youth Clubs.

Lob (1757). Lob und Tadel des Coffee-Tranks, nebst beygefügten nützlichen Gedanken über das Tobacksrauchen. Mit poetischer Feder entworpen.

Lock Charles George, W. (1888). Coffee: its culture and commerce in all countries. Edited by C. G. W. L. London, E. & F. N. Spon.

Lock, C. G. W. (1888). Coffee: its culture and commerce in all countries. London; New York, E. and F.N. Spon.

Locke, S. and H. Lambert (1983). 100 coffee dishes. London, Octopus.

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Last Modified: 15 October 2005