Books about Coffee

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Coffee Books

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Economist Intelligence, U. (1991). Coffee to 1995: recovery without crutches. Economist Intelligence Unit, London.

Edwards, R., A. K. Parikh, et al. (1975). A stochastic policy simulation of the world coffee economy. [Norwich], University of East Anglia.

Edwards, S. (1985). Commodity export prices and the real exchange rate in developing countries: coffee in Colombia. Cambridge (Mass.), National Bureau of Economic Research.

Elder, B. (1744). The Natural History of Coffee. With a Tract of Elder and Juniper Berries, etc.

Elkan, W. (1958). Cotton and coffee marketing in Uganda: an appraisal. [Durham, The Author].

Ellenbogen, B. L. (1959). A study of the social organization of a plantation community in the coffee producing region of southwestern Venezuela.

Elliot Robert, H. (1894). Gold, Sport, and Coffee Planting in Mysore. With a map, etc. Westminster, Constable & Co.

Elliot, R. H. (1894). Gold, sport and coffee planting in Mysore: with chapters on coffee planting in Coorg, the Mysore representative assembly, the Indian congress, caste and the Indian silver question, being the 38 years' experiences of a Mysore planter. Westminster, A. Constable.

Ellis, H. (2002). Coffee: discovering, exploring, enjoying. London, Ryland Peters & Small.

Ellis, J. and J. Fothergill (1774). An historical account of coffee. With an engraving, and botanical description of the tree. To which are added sundry papers relative to its culture and use, as an article of diet and commerce. London, Edward and Charles Dilly.

Elmadani, A. (1997). Finjan gahwa (a cup of coffee) and a bit of everything. Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Alwafa.

England (1724). A Table of the Matters contained in the Act for laying Inland Duties on Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, London.

England (1848). The Sugar Question: being a digest of the evidence taken before the Committee on Sugar and Coffee Plantations which was moved for by Lord G. Bentinck, M.P., 3rd February, 1848. By one of the Witnesses. London, Smith, Elder and Co.

England (1889). Rules for the Management of Canteens, Grocery Shops, and Coffee Rooms, London.

England (1936). Plantation Crops. A summary of figures of production and trade (A review of production, trade and consumption) relating to sugar, tea, coffee, cocoa, spices, tobacco and rubber, etc, London.

England and England (1724). The Case of the drugists, grocers and other dealers in coffee, tea, &c. in relation to the bill now depending concerning those comodities.

Ermel Willem Karel Lodewijk Kraft, v. (1899). Some Facts about Coffee in Palembang. Singapore, Printed at the American Mission Press.

Ethiopia. Coffee and Tea Development and Marketing Authority. Planning and Programming, U. (1975). Coffee statistics hand-book. Addis Ababa, Coffee and Tea Development and Marketing Authority.

Ethiopia. Coffee and Tea Development and Marketing, A. (1978). The role of coffee in the economy of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Coffee & Tea Development and Marketing Authority.

European Sensory, N. (1996). A case study on coffee: a European sensory and consumer study. [England.?], European Sensory Network.

European Sensory, N. (1996). A European sensory and consumer study: a case study on coffee. [G.B.?], European Sensory Network.

European Sensory, N. (1996). European sensory and consumer study: a case study on coffee. [S.l.], European Sensory Network.

Evans, S. J., G. Hilton, et al. (1998). The book of tea and coffee. London, Pavilion.

Evans, T. H. (1879). A man who could do impossibilities. A tale of a coffee tavern. London, W. Tweedie & Co.

Fadani, A. (1999). Agricultural price policy and export and food production in Cameroon: a farming systems analysis of pricing policies, the case of coffee-based farming systems. Frankfurt am Main, New York, P. Lang.

Family Welfare, A. (1879). Report of the "Star and Anchor" Coffee Palace, 300 King's Road, Chelsea. [London], G.White, printer.

Fassbinder, R. W. and A. Vivis (1977). Bremen coffee. London, Eyre Methuen.

Fassone, V. (1947). A tazza 'e café! Memories of Italy 2: A cup of coffee.

Fassore, V. (1947). A Cup of coffee: A tazza e cafe! Memories of Italy 2.

Fawcett George, L. (1915). Fungus Diseases of Coffee in Porto Rico, Washington.

Ferguson Alastair, M., J. Ferguson, et al. (1878). The Planting Directory for India and Ceylon: with a list of coffee, tea. and other plantations in India and Ceylon; a review of planting and agricultural enterprise. especially for Ceylon, and a general directory of all well-known residents in Ceylon and Travancore. Compiled by A. M. & J. Ferguson, Colombo.

Ferguson Alastair, M., J. Ferguson, et al. (1881). The Tropical Agriculturist, a monthly record of information for planters of coffee, tea, cocoa. tobacco. rice and other products suited for cultivation in the Tropics, issued on or about the 1st of each month. Compiled by A. M. and J. Ferguson, etc. Colombo, A. M. & J. Ferguson.

Ferguson, E. E. (1963). Coffee grows on white oak trees: for four-part chorus of men's voices with piano accompaniment. New York; London, Lawson-Gould Music Publishers: J. Curwen & Sons.

Ferguson, J. (1894). The Coffee Planter's Manual for both the Arabian and Liberian species. Third edition. Colombo, A. M. & J. Ferguson.

Fernandez-Acosta, N. M. (1993). An examination of the anaerobic treatment of wastewater from coffee industries. Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Ferreira Ramos, F. (1907). The Valorisation of Coffee in Brazil. A lecture. 2d edition. [With plates.]. Antwerp, J. E. Buschmann.

Ferry, A. P. (1989). Dr William O. Coffee and his absorption cure for cataract.

Finnie, K. and U. Scotland. Development Department. Inquiry Reporters (2003). Planning appeal by Mr Kevin Finnie: proposed change of use of coffee shop to bar: Copperfields Coffee Shop, 3 Marnock Place, Kilmarnock: [letter]. Edinburgh, Inquiry Reporters Unit.

Firman, I. D. and J. M. Waller (1977). Coffee berry disease and other colletotrichum diseases of coffee. Kew, Commonwealth Mycological Institute.

Fischer William, R. (1961). Coffee grows on white Oak Trees. (S.S.A. - flute - piano.) Arr. by W. R. Fischer. [Score.]. Boston, Mass, R. D. Row Music Co.

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