Books about Coffee

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Coffee Books

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De La Pedraja Tomán, R. (1998). Oil and coffee: Latin American merchant shipping from the imperial era to the 1950s. Westport, CT; London, Greenwood Press.

De Meij Garcia-Montoya Luisa, F. (1997). Systematic narratives: a study of an information system for the Colombian coffee industry, University of Lincolnshire and Humberside.

De Meynier, S., F. Pignalosa, et al. (1961). The World Coffee Economy. (Prepared by A. Viton, assisted by S. de Meynier and F. Pignalosa.), Rome.

De Vries, J. and B. World (1975). Structure and prospects of the world coffee economy. [Washington, D.C.], World Bank.

Deaton, A., D. Benjamin, et al. (1988). The living standards survey and price policy reform: a study of cocoa and coffee production in the Côte d'Ivoire. Washington, D.C, World Bank.

Debry, G. (1994). Coffee and health. Paris; London, John Libbey Eurotext.

Dell, A. (1927). What the Stars promise you! A complete horoscope for every day in the year, together with fortune telling by cards, tea or coffee grounds, and dream book. With illustrations. New York, Jacobsen-Hodgkinson-Corporation.

Delle, J. A. (1998). An archaeology of social space: analyzing coffee plantations in Jamaica's Blue Mountains. New York; London, Plenum Press.

Delobel, T., R. Metsch, et al. (1991). Analysis of the coffee based farming system in the Matengo Highlands, Mbinga District, Tanzania. Wageningen, ICRA.

Democratic, L. (1998). The coffee circle papers: papers and responses from the series of political forums organised during 1998 by Democratic Left. Dublin, Democratic Left.

Denis, J. É. and i. Ecole des hautes études commerciales. Centre d'études en administration (1980). Export performance of the marketing boards in LDC's: the case of cocoa and coffee in West Africa. Montreal, Ecole des hautes etudes commerciales.

Denman Francis, L. (1929). The Cat and the Cup of Coffee. [A tale.]. London, C.M.J.

Dercon, S. and A. Lulseged (1995). Smuggling and supply response: coffee in Ethiopia. Oxford, C.S.A.E. Publishing, University of Oxford.

Description (1674). A Brief Description of the Excellent Vertues of that Sober and Wholesome Drink, called Coffee, and its incomparable effects in preventing or curing most diseases incident to humane bodies. [In verse.]. London, Paul Greenwood.

Development Analysts, L. and C. Commission of the European (1980). A study of the costs structure and retail prices of selected food products in the United Kingdom: Cocoa, drinking chocolate and chocolate bar; instant coffee; margarine; sugar; canned garden peas and canned & packet soups; homogenised baby foods; cola beverages and mineral waters. [Brussels], Commission of the European Communities.

Dickinson, H. and H. Gibeling (1945). Coffee five, doughnuts five.

Dicum, G. and N. Luttinger (1999). The coffee book: anatomy of an industry from the crop to the last drop. New York, New Press.

Dierendonck, F. J. E. v. and G. Centre d'étude de l'azote (1959). The manuring of coffee, cocoa, tea and tobacco. Geneva, Centre d'Etude de l'Azote.

Dierendonck, F. J. E. v. and Geneva (1959). The Manuring of Coffee, Cocoa, Tea and Tobacco. Prepared by F. J. E. van Dierendonck, etc. [With plates and illustrations.], Geneva; Gonda printed.

Dinsdale Richard, M. (1998). The mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of instant coffee waste waters, University of Glamorgan.

Directories (1896). A Directory of the chief Industries of India. (Burma, Ceylon, Straits settlements and the East Indian Islands.) With which is incorporated a list of tea companies and gardens, indigo and coffee estates. and a directory of tea, coffee, chinchona, cardamon estates in Ceylon. With two maps. Calcutta, Thacker & Spink.

Directories and India (1894). Complete List of Tea Companies & Tea Gardens: also indigo, sugar, lac, cinchona and coffee manufactories in India and Ceylon. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co.

Division, C. O. A. a. R. D., C.-o. Uganda. Ministry of Agriculture and, et al. (1988). Coffee Farming Systems Development Project: draft final report. [Copenhagen], COWIconsult, Agriculture and Rural Development Division.

Domínguez, T. M. (1971). The development of the technological and scientific coffee industry in Guatemala, 1830-1930: a dissertation, Tulane University.

Donovan, J. (1991). Creative recipes for coffee. London, Salamander Books.

Douglas, J. (1727). A supplement to the description of the coffee-tree, lately published by Dr. Douglas. London, Printed for Thomas Woodward.

Draper, J. and G. Northampton. Museums and Art (1977). Eighteenth century earthenware tea & coffee pots in Northampton Museum. [Northampton], Northampton Borough Council Leisure Activities Committee.

Dubale, P. (1994). Mineral nutrition of coffee in Ethiopia.

Dufour, P. S. and W. Hunter (1685). The manner of making coffee, tea [by Philippe Sylvestre Dufour] and chocolate [by Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma]. With their vertues. Newly done out of French and Spanish [by John Chamberlayn], London.

Dufour, P. S., A. Colmenero de Ledesma, et al. (1685). The manner of making of coffee, tea, and chocolate. As it is used in most parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. With their vertues. London, W. Crook.

Duke Patents, C. (1898). Coffee: why is it not a popular beverage?. [London, Duke Patents Co.

Duncan, A. H. (1880). The private life of a Ceylon coffee planter, Colombo.

Duncan, D. M. (1706). Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, particularly of coffee, chocolate, tea, brandy, and strong-waters. With directions to know what constitutions they suit, and when the use of them may be profitable or hurtful. London, Printed for H. Rhodes, and A. Bell.

Dunmore East Fishermen'S, H. (1878). Dunmore East Fishermen's Hall, Reading and Coffee Rooms. Clonmel, Steam-Printing Works.

Dunn, R. (1992). Don't take the coffee. Bedford, Central Impex.

Dunstan Wyndham, R., H. Hunter Henry, et al. (1913). Planting in Uganda. Coffee-Para Rubber-Cocoa. With contributions by Professor Dunstan. and George Massee. [With plates and maps.]. London; Talbot Press: Dublin, Longmans & Co.

Dutch East Indies. Departement van Landbouw, N. e. H. A. H. (1926). Coffee. Buitenzorg, Java, Division of Commerce, Department of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce.

Dyer, C. (1978). Coffee cookery. Tucson, H.P. Books.

Eastern African Trade and Information, O. (1924). Coffee planting in Kenya. London, H.M. Eastern African Dependencies.

Economist Intelligence, U. (1987). Coffee to 1991: controlling a surplus. London, The Economist Publications.

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Last Modified: 15 October 2005