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Coffee Books

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Getachew, A. (1995). Production efficiency analysis: the case of smallholder farming im the coffee sector of Ethiopia and Kenya. Kiel, Vauk.

Getachew, O., H. Storck, et al. (1995). Farmers' response to new technologies in coffee production: the case of small farmers in Ghimbi CIPA, Wollega. [Hanover], University of Hannover, Institute of Horticultural Economics.

Gilbert Christopher, L. and E. Queen Mary and Westfield College Department of (1997). Informed futures market speculation: coffee and cocoa, 1933-95, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Department of Economics.

Gilbert, C. L. (1998). Speculation, hedging and volatility in the coffee market, 1993-96. London, University of London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Department of Economics.

Gilbert, C. L. and C. Brunetti (1996). Speculation, hedging and volatility in the coffee market, 1993-196. London, Economics Department, Queen Mary and Westfield College.

Gillett, S. (1940). Report on a visit to the coffee growing centres in Jamaica, Costa Rica and Columbia. [Kenya, Coffee Board of Kenya].

Gitimu, C. W. (1997). A survey of user satisfaction with the Coffee Research Foundation (CRF) information services: how can the acceptance of agricultural innovations be improved.

Gladstone, J. and R. S. Peel (1830). A statement of facts, connected with the present state of slavery in the British sugar and coffee colonies, and in the United States of America. contained in a letter addressed to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., etc. etc. etc, London.

Glander, H. and G. Teiwes (1962). Science and practice in the manuring of coffee. Hannover, Verlagsgesellschaft fur Ackerbau.

Gluck, J. (1952). Make my coffee black.

Glück, R. (1982). Elements of a coffee service. San Francisco, Four Seasons Foundation.

Gluck, S. and E. Watt (1994). The best of coffee: a cookbook. San Francisco, CollinsPublishersSanFrancisco.

Goethe Johann Wolfgang, v. and J. Travers (1887). Decennial Prices of Tea, Coffee and Sugar from. 1787 to 1887, etc. [A card.]. London, J. Travers & Sons.

Golding, T. R. H. (1951). African coffee. Nairobi, Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, Dept. of Agriculture.

Gomes, G. M. and B. International Labour Office. Industrial Activities (1989). Production, employment and wages in the coffee processing sector of Brazil. Geneva, International Labour Office.

Gondwe, M. H. M. and H. Chancellor College. Department of (1988). The Livingstonia Mission, the colonial government and African coffee farming in Chena-Chena and Viphya North in Rumphi district during the inter-war period. Zomba, History Dept., Chancellor College, University of Malawi.

Gorney, J. (1948). You're the first cup of coffee: "Heaven On Earth".

Goss, S. (2000). British tea and coffee cups, 1745-1940. Princes Risborough, Shire.

Graaff, J. d. and W. Landbouwhogeschool (1986). The economics of coffee. Wageningen, Pudoc.

Graaff, N. A. V. D. (1981). Selection of Arabica Coffee Types resistant to coffee berry disease in Ethiopia. Wageningen, H Veenman and Zonen B V.

Gracie, D. S., A. D. L. P. Trench, et al. (1931). Soil conditions affecting coffee in Kenya. Nairobi, Government Printer.

Graham Harry, C. (1912). Coffee. Production, trade and consumption, by countries.

Gray, A. (1902). Over the black coffee. Compiled by Arthur Gray. New York, Baker & Taylor Co.

Great Britain Foreign and Commonwealth, O. and C. International Coffee (1982). Resolution to extend the International Coffee Agreement 1976: approved at the thirty-sixth session of the International Coffee Council on 25 September 1981. London, H.M.S.O.

Great Britain. Board of, T. (1850). Tabular return showing. sugar imported into U.K. with rates of duties. 1793-1849. account of imports into U.K. of sugar, molasses, rum, coffee and cocoa from West Indies 1831-1849. similar account from Mauritius and India. account of quantities of foreign sugar imported, HMSO.

Great Britain. Board of, T. (1854). Tabular return showing. sugar imported into U.K: with rates of duty. accounts of imports into U.K. of sugar, melasses, rum, coffee, cocoa and cotton from the West Indies, British Guiana, Mauritius and India, 1831-1853. account of foreign sugar imported. (session no. 237), HMSO.

Great Britain. Department of Trade and, I. (1987). Licence granted under section 7 of the Telecommunications Act 1984: temporary licence granted to the Kenco Coffee Company Ltd [by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry]. London, The Department.

Great Britain. Empire Marketing, B. (1932). Plantation crops: a summary of figures of production and trade relating to sugar, tea, coffee, spices, etc, London.

Great Britain. Food Safety, D. and A. Association of Public (1993). Insoluble matter in instant coffee. Norwich, MAFF, Food Safety Directorate.

Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth, O. (1983). International Coffee Agreement 1983, New York, 1 January-30 June 1983. London, H.M.S.O.

Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth, O. (1992). Resolution to further extend the International Coffee Agreement, 1983: approved at the sixth plenary meeting, 27 September 1991. London, HMSO.

Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth, O. and C. International Coffee (1974). Resolution to extend the International Coffee Agreement 1968 with modifications, approved at the Twenty-second Session of the International Coffee Council on 14 April 1973: (with text of Agreement as extended and distribution of votes). London, H.M.S.O.

Great Britain. Foreign, O. (1962). International coffee agreement, Washington, September 24, 1959. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Great Britain. House of Commons. 5th Standing Committee on Statutory Instruments, e. (1981). Minutes of proceedings of the 5th Standing Committee on Statutory Instruments, etc: Nov. 25, 1981. Draft weights and measures act, 1963 (coffee and coffee mixtures) order, 1981 [and] (dried fruit and vegetables) [and] (grain and farinaceous products). London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

Great Britain. Imperial Economic, C. (1931). Coffee, London.

Great Britain. Imperial Economic, C. (1931). Nineteenth report: Coffee, London.

Great Britain. Patents, O. (1877). Patents for inventions: Abridgments of specifications relating to tea, coffee, chicory, chocolate, cocoa, &c. (comprising their manufacture, but not the preparation of drinks therefrom). London, printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode. Published at the Office of the Commissioners of Patents for Inventions.

Great Britain. Price, C. (1977). Coffee prices, costs and margins. London, H.M.S.O.

Great Britain. Scottish Office Inquiry, R. (1994). Appeal: The Coffee Shop, outh Kilruskin Farm, West Kilbride: [letter]. Edinburgh, Scottish Office Inquiry Reporters.

Great Britain. Scottish Office Inquiry, R. (1995). Appeal by the Gallery Coffee Shop: 8 Cresswell Lane, Glasgow: [letter]. Edinburgh, Scottish Office Inquiry Reporters.

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