Books about Coffee

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Coffee Books

Coffee Books

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Hawes Charles, W. (1886). Hawes' Hand Book to Temperance Hotels and Coffee Taverns. Uxbridge, F. Lucy.

Hayman, F. (1743). A coffee party on a rural estate, with a man telling fortunes from the coffee grounds. [London] (at the Golden Buck in Fleet Street), Printed for Rob.t Sayer.

Heath, H. (1840). Three dandies smoking and drinking coffee. Heath's oddities; 36. London (259 Regent St.), W. Spooner.

Hedlund, H. (1992). Coffee, co-operatives and culture: an anthropological study of a coffee co-operative in Kenya. Nairobi; Oxford, Oxford University Press (E. Africa).

Hedlund, H. (1992). Coffee, cooperatives and culture: an anthropological study of a coffee co-operative in Kenya. Nairobi; Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Henderson, R. (1944). Come up and have a cup of coffee: from Ziegfeld Follies.

Henry, J. (1830). A Letter to the Members of the Temperance Society, shewing that the use of tea and coffee cannot be safely substituted for that of spirituous liquors, and proposing for their adoption a rule of diet from which those substances are excluded, Dublin.

Henstridge, N. M. and S. University of Oxford. Faculty of Social (1995). Coffee and money in Uganda: an econometric analysis.

Hernandez, B. (1933). Philippine Bibliography of the Nine Major Crops of the Philippines: Rice, Sugar Cane, Abaca, Coconut, Tobacco, Corn, Maguey, Coffee and Cacao. Manila, Bureau of Science Library.

Hertel Johann, F. (1743). D. J. F. H.'s. politischer Nach-Tisch derer Thee- und Coffee- Tassen, oder juristische Streit-Fragen von denen Remediis Possessoriis und Petitoriis derer Erbschaffts-Sachen. (Des. Verfassers Leben und Schrifften.), Jena.

Hess, A. (1986). Googie: fifties coffee shop architecture. San Francisco, CA, Chronicle Books.

Hesse, D. (1776). Ordinance modifying the coffee and tobacco ordinances of 11 Feb. 1775, Darmstadt.

Hewitt, R. (1872). Coffee: its history, cultiyation, and uses. Illustrated with original designs by. American artists, and a Map of the world showing the several places where coffee is, or may be produced, etc, New York.

Hewitt, R., Jr. (1872). Coffee: its history, cultivation, and uses. New York, D. Appleton and company.

Higgins, B. (1801). Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum. To which is added, a description of a new kiln for drying coffee. Interspersed with occasional observations on this business. Third part. By Bryan Higgins. St. Jago de la Vega (Spanish Town), printed by Alexander Aikman.

Hill Mervyn, F. (1958). Planter's Progress. The story of coffee in Kenya. [With illustrations.]. Nairobi, Coffee Board of Kenya.

Hill, M. F. (1956). Planters' progress: the story of coffee in Kenya. Nairobi, Coffee Board of Kenya.

Hints (1886). Practical hints on coffee-stall management and other temperance work for the laity, London.

History (1744). The Natural History of Coffee, Thee, Chocolate, Tobacco. with a tract of Elder and Juniper berries. and also the way of making Mum, etc. [By J. Chamberlayne?].

Hodge, H. f. (1925). Eine Kaffee-Fantasie = A Coffee trifle. Leipzig; Glasgow; Edinburgh; London, Verlag von Breitkopf & Hartel: Paterson, Sons & Co. Ltd.

Hoffman, A. and M. Kurtz (1952). Coffee, Cocoa, Tea.

Holloway Thomas, H. (1980). Immigrants on the land: Coffee and society in Sao Paula, 1886-1934. Chapel-Hill, North Carolina UP.

Holloway, T. H. (1980). Immigrants on the land: coffee and society in Sao Paulo, 1886-1934. Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press.

Holmberg, P. and i. Lunds universitet Nationalekonomiska (2001). Sustainable development: the case of coffee production in Dak Lak. Lund, Department of Economics at the University of Lund.

Hone, A. (1993). Soluble coffee: technical and marketing opportunities and constraints for origin producers. Chatham, Natural Resources Institute.

Hope, E. L. (1878). More about our coffee-room. London, Nisbet.

Hope, L., R. Cotton Elizabeth, et al. (1876). Our Coffee-Room. With preface by Lieut.-Gen. Sir A. Cotton. Third edition. London, James Nisbet & Co.

Hope, L., R. Cotton Elizabeth, et al. (1878). More about our Coffee-Room. With preface by the Earl of Shaftesbury. London, James Nisbet & Co.

Houtkamp, J. A., L. Van der Laan, et al. (1993). Commodity auctions in tropical Africa: a survey of the African tea, tobacco and coffee auctions. Leiden, African Studies Centre.

Howison, W. (1830). An account of the Russian chiccory plant, and of the artificial coffee prepared in great quantity, over that country, from its root, as well as from the roots of common dandelion. [Einburgh, Royal Medical Society.

Hughes, J. (1879). Ceylon Coffee Soils and Manures. A report to the Ceylon Coffee Planters' Association. London, & Co.

Hughes, J., C. Cormack, et al. (1959). Three Little Kisses. Round in the coffee bar.

Hull Edmund, C. P. (1865). Coffee, its physiology, history and cultivation: adapted as a work of reference for Ceylon. and the Neilgherries, Madras.

Hull Edmund, C. P. (1865). Coffee: its physiology, history and cultivation. Madras, Gantz Brothers.

Hull Edmund, C. P. (1877). Coffee planting in Southern India and Ceylon. Being a second edition, revised and enlarged, of "Coffee, its physiology, history, and cultivation". Madras, Higginbotham & Co.

Hull Edmund, C. P. (1877). Coffee Planting in Southern India and Ceylon. Being a second edition. enlarged, of "Coffee, its physiology," etc, London.

Hull Francis, R. and F. Reichmann (1959). Sugar, Gold, and Coffee. Essays on the history of Brazil. Based on Francis Hull's books. [With a portrait.]. Ithaca, N.Y, Cornell University Library.

Hull, E. C. P. (1992). Coffee; its physiology, history and cultivation: adapted as a work of reference for Ceylon, Wynaad, Coorg and the Neilgherries. The Nineteenth Century. General Collection; title no. N.1.1.5656. Cambridge, Chadwyck-Healey Ltd.

Hull, E. C. P. and R. S. Mair (1877). Coffee planting in southern India and Ceylon. London; New York, E. & F. N. Spon.

Humans, I. W. G. o. t. E. o. C. R. t. (1991). Coffee, tea, mate, methylxanthines and methylglyoxal: Meeting: Papers, IARC.

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